Thursday, February 22, 2007

3 Ladies

Pastell chalk
on toned paper

42 x57 cm


alberts-art said...

salve alberts artwork!
Inostri nick assumigliano abbastanza e sarei molto curioso diparagonare i stili delle tue opere.
Situazioni Meta-fizziche,meta-surrale pieni di movineto.
movimento ...chi non si puo accorggere del movimento...quando parte da "nulla"
On the rocks
black ink on sepia-tone paper
white highlighted
good very good,

Another time i want to write you in english

Moira Marshall said...

Albert, what language is that? Could you give a translation please?
I like your art :-)
Cheers, Moira.

Chavah Kinloch said...

You have some wonderful pieces Albert with gorgeous colours and a variety of mediums. I work in acrylic now but miss using alternate mediums and you've inspired me to have a go again, even if it has been years...hehe. Cheers, Chavah.